this is the original jenni earle bandana.the message of "be brave" is one that is constantly on my mind as I navigate my day. a hundred little things come up that make me second guess myself, I choose over and over to be brave and keep listening most closely to the sound of my own voice.many think 'the brave' are people who don't feel fear, but that's not it at all. 'the brave' are those who feel fear and get on with the doing. fear is a natural response to our desire to do anything that is untested or unproven.
fear shows up to say,
"nah, not you. you couldn't pull that off."
it is our job to say back,
"maybe I will fail, but I MUST try."the intention of this talisman is to turn that knowing
that you are stronger than your fear, into something
you can touch and hold to remind us all to listen
close, pay attention to the whispers of your heart.
then, to be brave.