bandana story: roam free

bandana story: roam free

roam free are two of my favorite words… 
roam: it’s that wonderful, aimless wandering that happens when we have time that isn’t scheduled.
free: this word always makes me think of wide open spaces. getting to the summit of a hike and feeling all that air expanding from and around me.roaming free is something we ALL need more of. and the BEST way to let our minds roam free, in our opinion,
is to get those feet out in whatever nature is available/favorite to you. there are studies done that show when we are out of doors, brave and barefoot, no tasks in our brain, listening to the surroundings, feeling the air on our skin, feeling the earth under us, we undergo a physiological change for the better.get outside, explore the world around you.
it doesn’t take a flight and a month of vacation, this can be achieved in your own local area. 
just roam free. what does this bring to your mind?
go do those things
go find the wildness that your body longs for
get dirty
get wet
get sweaty
feel that wind
feel your wildness!



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