bandana story: 'high five yourself'

bandana story: 'high five yourself'

Gaby, one of our fabulous team members here at the Jenni Earle ranch says, “high five yourself” when someone does something worthy of a lil’ celebration. But somewhere in the midst of COVID shutdowns and working from home and pivots and not being able to touch each other, this phrase became very important to us. We began saying it not only when we did a good thing at work, but also as we stood up for ourselves on a divisive issue with a family member, or spoke up for our own self-care. 

high five!

That’s what we are celebrating with this bandana. That self-lift!  The part of yourself that identifies the struggle and then heroically turns your energy towards soothing or solutions.

By taking a moment to recognize that you did good for yourself is the very first step towards repeating those actions and therefore feeling better and doing better. This is all defined by you of course!

I high-fived myself the other day because I stayed away from my computer for a full day. As the sun went down that evening, I was still in the yard moving garden beds and listening to podcasts. I high-fived myself for stepping away, getting lost with the earth for a day, and rejuvenating my spirit. 

you can pull yourself up!

Loneliness and depression are at an all-time high. Some people are watching too much news and proclaim to be experts, while others are retreating and feeling very overwhelmed. But also, really let this sink in: there is massive change and uplifting kindness happening as well.

You may have felt lonelier than ever, but I bet you have also found ways to connect and pull yourself up.

The isolation has demanded that we do the doing for ourselves. While that can feel so daunting, those steps you take will matter so much more because you did them for yourself. When no one is around to say, “woah, nice work!” We must learn to congratulate ourselves.

Keep your eye out for opportunities to both high-five yourself and to point out when others need to high-five themselves! You might not be able to touch that stranger on the street that is obviously on their first run in a long time, but they are out there doing it! “High five yourself, mister!” Limits are being challenged, long-held beliefs are being challenged. “High-five yourself, friend!” You are going out of your way to make sure your elderly neighbor’s trashcans are rolled out to the street and back in at night. “High-five yourself, sister!” You got out of bed today and put on pants with a button and zipper, “High-five yourself, ma’am!” 

Every choice you make not to sink into anger and passivity is a feat of strength. Don’t take it for granted. You are strong and capable and so worthy of celebrating!

High five yourself!


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